She is setting up a website, saw this image and thought it would make a good homepage image for her site, She didn't want to copy the image, but to take inspiration from it.
The general things to take from it will be her against a contrasting or complimenting background and the use of make-up as props. Being a make-up artist she will be bringing along her make-up to use as props.
We have had a meeting about the background she would like to use, and we came up with a few ideas,
1st is to use metal checker plate, not painted, just as the raw metal colour.
The other idea was to paint the wall in either the complimentary and/or contrasting colours, but due to the short amount of time available I've decided to use plain Lining paper and Pre-Paint it.
The model liked several different colours, All from B&Q these were: Malibu Beach, a light Blue, Fireburst a bright Orange, Pink Splash, a deep pastel Pink, and Warm Terracotta. Due to time restrictions in both before the shoot and studio time, I have opted for a complimentary and a contrasting colour, the Fireburst Orange and the Warm Terracotta.
I also found whilst shopping for the colours, a Silver Glitter Glaze, and I have done 2 versions of the Fireburst Orange, 1 just plain Orange, the other Sliver Glitter Glazed.
Warm Terracotta Pink Splash
Malibu Beach Silver Glitter Glaze
Having Pre painted the Lining paper, the idea is to stick them to the false walls, take the shots, doing a few at a time with the 1st colour, trying to imitate the shot at the top of this page, letting the model view them and then discuss changing the pose/lighting if need be, when were happy we will simply put up the next background and do the same process.
The hardest I think will be the sheet metal, as it's quite heavy and we may have problems attaching it to the wall. My only thoughts on how to get round this are, to simply stand it on the floor, lean it against the wall and have the model sit down in front of it, and try to gain the same pose.
For the shoot I will be using my Sony A300, and using my standard 18-70mm lens, I will also take along my Tamron 70-300mm, but I'm not sure if I will need it/use it.
The other piece of equipment I will no doubt be using is a hot shoe adapter, so that the flash trigger will fit on my camera, as Sony have a different connection to the more popular Canon/Nikon type.
I think for lighting the shoot, I will use flash light over continuous light, but I'm not sure about this, and will find out on the day. If I use flash I think that it will consist of a minimum of two soft boxes, placed in front and to the left and right of my model, the one to the right will be just above head height, pointing down at the model, and the one to the left will be about head height, pointing straight at the model.
If I use Continuous I think the set up maybe very similar, only further away to give a softer more even coverage of light.
I will also be using Adobe Lightroom for Post Production purposes.
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