Saturday 7 January 2012

Theme 2 Research 1 Horst p Horst

The 1st person I am researching for my second theme is Horst p Horst. The Horst website can be found here 

Horst Paul Albert Bohrmann was born on the 14th August 1906, to Father Max Bohrmann and Mother Karla Schoenbrodt.
The 1st time he got credited work was in an advert in French Vogue, Dec 1931, it was a full page advert for Klytia scent, His real breakthrough as a published photographer came in March 1932, found in the pages of British Vogue, with a full page portrait of Sir James Dunn's daughter.
His most productive times came during the war, where he excelled with Colour Transparencies.

This is the 1st image I have chosen to look at from Horst, I have chosen this for it's advertising, Which is what my 2nd theme is all about.
The focal point of this image is the Jewellery, this is mainly due to the amount and the pose to show it all off, the crop is also tight, to the left cutting off her arm right up to the Bracelet, and the same to the bottom.
The Contrast is well balanced not too bright, but at the same time keeping the shadows to a minimum and her hair not too dark.
There are multiple textures in the image, metal, skin and wood, which along with the intricacy of the detail in some of the jewellery help make the composition.

This image is as above Black and White, also like the previous image the contrast is well balanced, the Shawl itself is a big are of white, but because of the contrast and tonal balance of the image, it appears more grey in colour.
I would say the composition of the image is similar also to the previous image, mid range, this coming from the details found in the chair, the Shawl and hat, yet in essence it's really only made up of 3-5 items. The textures in this image, because of the size of the Shawl, are more limited.
Again it to me looks like an advertising shot, with the focal point clearly being the Shawl and hat, these items could of been shot by themselves to advertise them, however in using a model, the viewer can get a sense of the size and perspective of the Shawl.
This image I would say has a use of curves, from the arm of the chair, to the 6 layers in the Shawl, to the close match of pattern in the hats trail, and the hat is nice and round as well so follows a curve theme.

Again due to my 2nd theme I choose this image for it's obvious advertising roots. I would of said this would of been an advert for the Jewellery the model is wearing.
The composition is very simple without any real complicated shapes, or too many components.
The focal point to start with is definitely the models face, which allows you to see the Necklace, then the Bracelet on her right wrist, then due to the pose of her hand (pointing upwards) your eyes follow up to the ring.
It's the 1st one I have looked at from Horst in colour, the colours of the background, her head dress and lipstick, to me have been chosen carefully, to match the reds and greens found in the Bracelet and ring, though they are lighter shades so as not to distract from the model and the Products.
I would say there is a definite use of lines in this image, from the ones in the background, to the way her arm/hand cuts up and across her body.
I would also say the image has used the rule of two thirds, (horizontally) this again helping to make sure the model is the 1st thing the viewer sees. Also the Depth of field has been used to achieve this, by setting it more towards the shallow1Ehkl" e scale, the different background colours can be made out, but there not over powering.

This image is yet another lovely colour one from Horst, the red in the hat matching the stripe of material on the back wall. I would say it is also another advertising image, I think this time it is the bag and maybe the diary/book she appears to be looking through.
The depth of field has been really used as the big advantage here, Placing the model in the mid ground, has made the foreground and background (again slightly and not fully) out of focus, yet keeping the model perfectly focused and therefore the focal point of the image.
The composition is slightly more complicated than the previous image, multiple props being placed both in front and behind the model, multiple textures, on the wall to the left (as you look at the image) of the model, the flowers in the foreground, the chair and hanging material in the background, the models clothing, the bag and jewellery.
The use of perspective is also found from the props being placed in front/behind the model, probably done to get a sense of how big the bag and little black book are???

This image is back to a more simple composition, model, products (Jewellery or the Cigarette) and background. Using a shallow depth of field to make sure the model stands out from the blurred background, making her and the "products" the focal point of the image.
Simple black and white on the dress, no harsh or distracting colours in the background, with just the red of the nails also helping draw the viewers attention to the face/neck/ hand area.
There is a possible use of lines, the line of colour change across the dress, the way the models right arm cuts across her body and her left is going almost straight upwards, even whats appears to be a square frame in the background.
The image has been cropped at a nice distance around the model, but not so far that the model is to small, and the products can't be made out or become not the focal point.
I would say the contrast in this image is more towards the darker end of the scale, the bottom left and top right corners are very dark and almost black, the dress the model is wearing and the background, although both white in real life come across grey, with the only real piece of white being that found in the bottom right corner.

This image has yet an even more simple composition than the previous image, due the background being close and plain, this also allows the Depth of field to be used mid range, keeping the background in focus.
Again there has been a use of a stand out colour, the flower, to attract the viewers eye to the hand/wrist area where the Bracelet/Watch (which I would presume is being advertised) can be found.
Use of colour is almost limited to the flower, the dress is grey so matches the background well,  and then the models hair colour is a nice Golden colour which matches the Gold Bracelet/Watch the model is wearing.
I would say there isn't really a use of lines or patterns in this image.
The contrast in this image is quite bright, even though it's a grey dress it's a light grey, the same can be said about the background, the models hair and skin are both light colours and even the shadow being cast on the back wall is very soft.

This image is all about the Products and again uses a bold stand out colour to grab the viewers attention, and draw it straight to the products. In this case it's red again, and is found on the bag, the lipstick and the Hairband. I think that the sunglasses also being of a different shape and size were also added in there for attention purpose.
The lighting in this image has been used to help make the model the focal point, with the set desinged to look like a wall at possibably a seaside desitnation, the model is brightly lit, while the background is a contrasting almost black.
It's hard to see but I think the Depth of field is also midrange, the background being dark is hard to make out, but I would say it is slightly blurred but not excessively.

Back to Black and White, this time a darker contrast, only the product (I suspect it was Perfume) in the models hand has any real light. It has got quite a varied tonal range for a Black and White, with all the different areas, angles, shapes and textures there are numerous different sahdes of grey colour.
The  range of textures here is also quite varied,  from skin to hair to the metal of the jewellery and the different materials in the models clothes and pillow she is lying on.
The crop of this image is closer than the preivous images I have looked at, it's been cropped as close as possible around the models face and arms, as so to show off the jewellery and box. Cropping this close and having 5 different products all on display has made the Composition of the imge fairly complicated.
There is a feel of elegance to the image, and maybe this is what Horst was aiming for with the Connotation/Denotation of th image, look at how glamourous and elegant these products are and will make you feel.

This image is very simple, Simple composition, (A model and background) a simple product (the tights and/or shoes) and a possibably a simple Connotation/Denotation of "sexyness" or "sex sells".
Quite a dark Black and White image to the point of having no white in it at all. The contrast has been keep darker to really help make the legs/tights stand out and make the viewer notice these.
Obviously the only focal point here is the models legs and the tights/shoes she is wearing, this is helped by it being a lower half shot, cropped close, with a deep Depth of Field so the background isn't overpowering.
It looks to have been fairly simply lit, due to the shadow, I would say lit with 1 light diagonally from the front right of the model.

This is the final image I have chosen to look at from Horst, unlike all the other I have looked at, this has three models, instead of just the one.
I would say this would of been a hat advert or from a hat advertising campaign, in order to make sure the hats are the Focal point of the image a couple of things in my opinion have been done. 1, the use of more than one model, 2, the positioning of the models (almost a pyramid shape) so that all the hats meet in the centre of the image. 3, the models all wearing outfits of a similar colour, with the exception of the hats, which asre all different colours and therefore stand out.
It has a fairly complicated composition, due to there being 3 of everything and a few different textures.
The contrast has again been kept fairly dark, with certian places lit to grab attention, for example, the model at the top, is not well lit, but the background, newspaper and her hat are, this stands out, grabbing the viewers attention. The same can be said for the model in the bottom right, except this time rather than the newpaper being highlighted alone, it has also been used to create a deep dark area in the bottom right corner, causing her hat to stand out.
I think the depth of field has had to be kept deep, so that all the models and the newspapers are in focus.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    your analysis of the images that you are looking at are very detailed and would put some other students at higher levels to shame.
    The visual vocabulary that you are using leaves me in no doubt you know how to deconstruct an image and draw out the key value. Its then appearing in your photography now as well which really shows that you are becoming better at the practical work driven by the theoretical.

