Saturday 7 January 2012

Theme 2 Research 4 Andrea Klarin

The 4th person I have chosen for my research is Andrea Klarin.

His website can be found here :

Andrea was born in Belgrade in 1972, at the age of 18 found his passion for photography and at the age of 22 decided to go for it.
He studied photography at INRACI in Brussels for 3 years.
Now living and working mainly in Paris, he has worked for Vogue, TANK, Harper's Bazar, Air France Madame to name a few.

This is the 1st image I have chosen to look at from Andrea and it is photo's put into 1 image. 
The over colour temp of images is warm, very soft golden light to watch that of the jewellery the model is wearing.
The 2 photo's are, as is obvious, From the same shoot, but the crops of the images are completely different, the image on the left has  tight crop around the models face and neck area, whereas the one to the right is a half body shot.
The compositions of both images is fairly simple, a model against a plain background. The one to the left has slightly more complicated jewellery and hair over the models face, this makes it more complex than the other image, however still not overly complicated.  All this helps to make sure there is little or no distraction from the model, the products she is wearing and advertising, therefore keeping her and the products the focal point of the image, also the depth of field might of been kept quite shallow to slightly blur out the background.

This image is nice black and white, full length body shot. It incorporates the use of a rope as an added dimension.
Much like the previous shot it is simple in composition, with just the model and the rope against the plain background, the background has again been take out of focus with a shallow depth of field.
The model is the main focal point, I would say that the image is advertising the clothes and shoes the model is wearing.
It has a nice balance of lighting, shades, and contrast between the highlights and shadows. The lighting seems to me to be light yet soft, with no real harsh shadow behind the the model.
I think the way the rope winds down the models body, helps to draw the viewers eye down the model to shoes, before it disappears out of shot.

This image is another close up crop on a models face and neck area, I would say it again is advertising the jewellery. The pose in my opinion has been set so that the models hair falls to create a dark background for the earring she is wearing, therefore making it stand out, it being exposed by the model holding her hair, which also allows the hand to be decorated with rings and showing them off as well. The lighting on the models face would suggest the lighting being used is quite bright, but the balance between the highlights and shadows is well managed, the models face is well lit but not over exposed, however the shadow created under her and from her hair is a very black. This shadow is due to the pose and crop, pretty much the centre of the image, when you combine this with it being a dark area on quite a light image, it grabs the viewers attention.
I think there is a connotation/Denotation of glamour, sophistication and sexiness.

This image is another close crop on the model, but is lightly bigger than a head shot. I think the way the model is wearing nothing but a purple fluffy coat and necklace, then the crop of the image, has made the coat a good frame for the image, the lighter skin colour stands out from purple coat, therefore making the models chest and the necklace, the Focal point of the image.
There is a definite Denotation/Connotation of sex sells to this image, from the suggestive undressing and the clear nakedness of the model.
The composition of the image is simple, with only a few components, (the coat, the jewellery and the model) but all the various textures in the image and also the eye make up, give it a feel of being slightly more complex.
The nature of the image means the only deviation from the model is found in the top right corner, as a piece of background, because of this the deep of field isn't really a contributing factor as everything is in focus.

This image is the 1st one I have looked at from Andrea that is shot in landscape orientation and is close to using the rule of two thirds.
It's a bright image, well lit and balanced, with plenty of light on the legs and lovely soft shadows around her on the wall.
Again it's a simple composition, being the model, the jewellery, the outfit and the background. The decorative details in the background are well picked out without it being over exposed and blown out.
The textures are again, due to the not so complex nature of the image, are limited to about 4 different textures, being the skin, the pink fluffy clothing, the jewellery, the hair and the wall behind.
It's again an advertising shot, this can be seen from the name in the bottom right corner, not sure if it's for the Jewellery or the pink clothing, after doing some research on the brand it could be for either or both. I do think though that the positioning of the pink clothing helps to almost underline and frame the Jewellery, making it stand out more.
With the model sitting so close to the wall there is no separation or distance for a depth of field to be developed.
Again I think the Connotation/Denotation of this image is of "sex sells" "Glamour" "luxury"

A simple composition, the model against a plain background with just the bright light as a third element. This light I think has been used to not only inject a bit more light into the image, but also to help force the viewers eye upwards, therefore making you look at the brand on the T-Shirt.
A very tight crop around the model, with no room left around the sides for product information or brand names. I suspect this is because the brand name is there in the middle of the image, and it would of been for a full page ad in a magazine, so no more information would of really been needed.

This image is a very simple yet effective way of advertising jewellery. By having just the 1 item of jewellery, which is also a contrasting colour to the skin tone of the model, then the brand name in big capitals underneath the item, makes it stand out and get the point across.
A simple composition again, the model, the ring and the smallest amount of background on show in the top right corner. Cropped tight around the model, keeping the background out of shot, this helps to make the ring the Focal point of the image, this is also helped by the way the model isn't looking into the camera, so the viewers eyes aren't drawn to hers.
It's a light image, with a light contrast and mainly soft shadows, the most highlighted area is the models shoulder, which is very nicely lit and far from over exposed or too bright.
The small amount of background that can be seen, looks to me to be out of focus, so a shallow depth of field has been used or naturally occurred with the model being the foreground and the majority of the image.

This image has a great use of colour, with the models pale skin against the white background, the blue of the accordion, the head wear and models nail varnish and eyeliner stand out really well. If you combine the colour with the position and shape of the Accordion, you can see that again it's been used to underline the product being advertised, which in this case would be the Necklace.
The crop of the image is pretty tight, cutting just a little off the head wear at the top and the Accordion at the bottom, also had the crop been wider at the sides, the viewer may have been distracted from the product, by the models arms, which would effectively be creating V's or arrow shapes at either side.
Again the model is against the background (looks to be lying down to me) so there has been little chance to create a depth of field, the only way this could of been done, would of been to blurr the accordion out slightly, but this would of taken away from it and therefore it's purpose to guide the eye to the necklace.
The composition is more complicated than some of the previous images I have looked at from Andrea, although there are only really 4-5 components to the image, (model, necklace, Accordion and the head wear) the little details of colour, the round shapes made from the models hair help to make it more complicated, as they not only add different textures, but they also add to the general feel of curves. (Curly necklace, round buttons on the Accordion, the curve of the Accordion, the round head wear, and the round balls of hair)

This image again has a used colour to advertise the Jewellery, but this time rather than the colours directing your eyes to the products, the products are the stand out colours, only in a more subtle way as the golden jewellery is a complimenting colour to the skin/background colour.
The crop is wider this time, allowing more of the model to be seen, and I think this is important, as the pose and positioning of the jewellery go with each other. I think there is a use of lines in this image, if you start at the models face, (which I feel is the Focal point of the image) in her right ear is an earring, the thin necklace line leads you down to the main part of the necklace, which has just below it the bracelet, (which looks like a curved line/lines) the direction of the arm comes into play, it leading your eye upwards where you then see the ring on her finger. To a certain extent there are also lines of hair across the models face/shoulder.
The model is again stood tight against the background, so Depth of field has not been able to develop, this along with it being the model against a background, with no props, items protruding form the model, makes this a simple composition.
The lighting appears to me to be fairly soft, with a good balance between the light area and the soft shadows, behind the model and to the bottom of the image.
Not quite sure of the Connotation/Denotation of this image, though possibly "sex sells" and "sexiness"??

This is the final image I have chosen to look at from Andrea, what I like about this image is it has an overall appearance of being light and airy, yet there is still a lot of  area in shadow, this shows of a very good use of lighting and contrast.
The dress is highly detailed, this not only provides patterns but also textures to the images composition, along with the added detail on the background in the top left, the models hair being lit from behind to the right.
I'm not sure if it's an advertising image or not, The only thing it could be advertising is the dress, but due to it being cropped tight on the models arms and just under her bust, it doesn't really show it off the dress.
I think there might be a small amount of depth of field, just to blurr the background out, then the detail to the top left will have been added in post processing.
With not really knowing what the image is for, it's hard to say what the Connotation/Denotation might be.

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