Saturday 7 January 2012

Theme 2 research 2 Nick Knight

The second Photographer I'm using for my theme 2 research is Nick Knight, his website can be found here.

Nick was born in London in 1958, he studied photography and graduated from (with distinction)  Bournemouth and Pool college of art and design in 1982.
His 1st book, skinheads, in 1985 won him the Designers and Art Directors award for best book cover.
Known for always pushing the boundaries and trying new things, Nick made fashion history when he adapted ring flash to shoot a cover for British Vogue in 1993.
Nick has worked for many different magazines and has even shoot album covers, Some of those he has worked for include:
Louis Vuitton, Calvin Klein,, Yves Saint Laurent, Vivienne Westwood, Christian Dior, George Michael, David Bowie, Massive Attack, Paul Weller and many more.

This image is a perfect example of the advertising theme, having been nicely framed on an abstract background, and the writing in the top right corner makes it looks like it is ready to be slotted into a magazine.
The image itself has a simple composition, the model and a plain grey background, it's cropped nice and tight to the top and bottom of the model, this helps to make the model the focal point and helps to show off the products, (Dress, Belt and Shoes) the crop has been kept wider on the sides though to allow room for writing to be inserted, this would contain information about the products the model is wearing.
The image is well lit, and has a nice light contrast, with lots of areas of white, a light skin tone and very little shadows. The black belt being a nice contrast to the rest of the white outfit.

This image is a lovely close up of Cheryl Cole,It could of been done alongside an interview for a magazine, for a potential album cover, or it could however easily be advertising the lipstick or the pink necklace/neck wear she is wearing.
To me it's got a feeling of a black and white image, but isn't, however with the exception of the eyes, lips and neck wear, it certainly looks like it's had the colours saturated from it.
Cropped close around Cheryl's face certainly makes the 3 bits of colour stand out well, I would say the Focal point is where the viewers eyes are drawn 1st, the lips, with them being the most stand out ish colour.
The composition is simple, as is the depth of field due to the close up nature, the background would of been a plain white/grey and has been played with in post processing in order to get the swirly look.
The lighting is strong and direct, I would say positioned somewhere in the direction Cheryl is looking, this can been seen from the catch lights in the eyes, and the dark shadow under her hand and chin.

This image is similar to the 1st image I looked at.
It has a great use of the pattern in the dress/coat which is also continued in the shoes, the black and white check pattern standing out really well from the plain grey background.
Also a simple composition with the dress/coat providing the only really complexity. Again lit well, making the white lines/squares in the outfit and the white belt stand out well.
The crop is pretty much identical to the 1st image, tight top and bottom, wider at the sides to allow a write up on the products to be inserted.

This image unlike a lot of studio images, has a nice sense of movement, found in here left leg and both her arms. The lighting has also got a different feel to it, not only is there the soft filling light, there is also a strong, hard edged spotlight coming form the left of the image, providing a nice line on the background, the 2 different lights are also casting 2 different shadows on the background.
The overall contrast of the image is more towards the darker end of the scale, although there is alot of light being put into the image, the background appears grey, with the only very light area being around the models head/shoulders. This colours in the image are limited and it could almost be a black and white image, with the only sense of colour coming from the models skin tone.
This image also looks like it was done for a magazine as the crop is again tight top and bottom, but wider to the sides, not sure what is being advertised, but it could be pretty much everything from the hat down to the shoes and even the bag.
To me there doesn't appear to be any use of lines, shapes or patterns, just a unique moving pose.

Another Celebrity image here, this time Lady Gaga, Much like the Cheryl Cole image it could of been done for numerous things, Album cover, advertising those outrageous shoes or along side an interview.
Like the previous image there has been movement captured, the previous image showed the movement buy use of blurred body parts of the model, this one however is Sharpe and has no motion blur, but with Lady Gaga being in the air, and the shape/position of her hair, you can tell she was jumping.
The composition is again simple, one subject and a plain background. The contrast is towards the darker end of the scale, had Lady Gaga been standing on the floor the shadows would of been quite deep, this can been seen from the darker spots at the bottom of the image, where her shoes are closer to the floor. The outfit she is wearing seems to have alot of small sparkling details on it, and these along with her blond hair are the only real highlights in the image.
It has been cropped to wide enough to allow the viewer to see that she is jumping, so it has a nice even border of plain colour around Lady Gaga. This space all around would also allow the writing from an interview to be added, should it be used for that purpose.
There is a nice contrast in textures between the outfit and footwear, the outfit looks rough and uneven, whereas the shoes are smooth, a single colour and uniformed texture wise.

Both the above and below images are very similar, they look to me to have been done on the same shoot, this I think would of been a shoot to advertise the shoes. Although they are full body shots, the shoes appear to me to be out of proportion to the rest of the model, this being said I think they then become the main focal point of the images, the viewers attention is also drawn here by a strip of light grey behind the shoes, whereas the rest of the background is white.
In both images the models face is covered by a big fringe and under a heavy shadow, so is less of an attention draw.
They are both bright images, high contrast, using a bright white background to make the colours of the outfits stand out more. In the same way because of the colours, patterns and shapes found on the outfits in both images, the Compositions are slightly more complicated that previous images, yet remaining fairly simple in terms of it still being a model against a plain background.
The crops are again like the 1st image I looked at, tight to the top and bottom with rooms left to the sides, again for product information.

This image is again, due to the writing in the top right, is an advertising shoot, the writing is all the product information.
A nice pure black and white image this time, a good high contrast, between the really dark blacks of the trousers and the really bright white background.
There is again movement in the image, found in the arms and the feathered item of clothing the model is wearing. With the final position of the arms, there has developed a dark area around the models face, and this combined with the black stripe over her eyes, for me, makes the focal point to be the clothes and not the models face.
the position of the legs has made the overall crop that little bit wider, which helps for providing space for writing/product information.
The simple composition is again made that slight bit more complicated by the different textures in the image, to be found are feathers, a linen/silky type top and then material trousers, with a nice bow tied round the waist to help drawn the viewers attention.

This image is again close to black and white, with just the blond hair and grey ish background breaking through.
It has a nice close crop to show off the different items of clothing, there textures and shapes.
All the different shapes and textures of the clothing, the wrist wear, the big earrings and the fancy eye make up, make the composition fairly complicated with a lot to take in and process. I think of all these things the white flower around the neck line is the main focal point, mainly due to it not only being close to the centre of the image, it also stands out well with it being white on the black dress.
The contrast is fairly bright, even with the big area of black, the white flower, models skin/hair and the background are all well lit and light in appearance. The depth of field in this image has been kept fairly deep, so the background colour can be made out, but the model is more in focus.
The overall feel of the image to me is that of sadness or loss, with the models smile less expression, the black dress and wrist wear, even to the fancy eye make up which is black, this person could be grieving.

This is the final image I have chosen to look at from Nick.
It's the 1st one I have looked at from Nick which seems to use the rule of two thirds.(horizontally) This crop has again allowed for the adverts product information to be added in whilst not taking to much away from the image itself.
It is again a bright and well lit image, with a nice shadow cast on the block and floor behind the model. There is a big injection of colour with the arm bands and tutu, then more subtle hints of colour being the models brown hair and the red on her finger nails.
The pose of the model has turned the tutu into an almost intermediate background, and in a way along with the grey areas to the sides of the box, it frames the model, and draws the viewers eye to her, being the focal point of the image.
The composition has stayed simple, with only 3-4 different textures and about 7 different colours in the image, and the depth of field being kept deep enough to allow the tutu to be in as much focus as the hands and face of the model in the foreground of the image.

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